Saturday, April 2, 2011

Karl Marx: una cosa más que no entiendo en español

My study abroad "vacation" is officially over.  It's a Saturday night and I'm in my room, taking my second 5 minute break from my homework to post this.

I forgot how much school sucks, and I did not anticipate that I would be getting 300+ pages of things in Spanish to read a week.  I wish I was kidding about the logistics, but I'm not.

This is what my homework load is like:

Economía Internacional: too many pages of Karl Marx and David Hune translated into Spanish to count, probably somewhere close to 250
Introducción al Derecho Latinoamericano: first 4 chapters (100 pages)
Arte, Arquitectura, e Identidad en América Latina: about 75 pages
Iglesia y Estado: if it were possible to find this book anywhere in the entire province, I would have to read the preface to every chapter
Castellano Mantenimiento: first 5 chapters (150 pages)

And to top that all off it's April so time to get back to studying for the one, the only, LSATs!!!!!!

I'm so excited about that one.

At any rate, I played tennis today in a tournament for college students, and there were only 11 people there.  Thank goodness I made my friend Ben play in the tournament with me.  Fortunately, everyone except the sandy blond Rafael Nadal knock-off ninja wannabe was really nice.  But it made me miss SJU and Toes and the days of classes without dress codes (yes, my schools here have a dress code) and homework that didn't take up every ounce of my brainpower and that was for the most part, in English.

Oh well.

I finally bought a map of the city to map out my hour long class commuting routes, hoping that I'll look at the map and find a faster way.  Unfortunately, I don't really think that's going to happen.  But I really like la UCA y a veces, me gusta la USAL so I think the distance is worth it.  I'm never going to complain about having to walk any distance on campus/in Philadelphia again.  En serio.

Además, there isn't really anything else new or exciting...  I'm finding that I can actually find my economics manuscripts to read online in English, so for now that will save me some aggravation, although I still need to read them in Castellano as well so that I can get the vocabulary down pat.

I'm excited for my second day of Argentine tenis tomorrow, but I'm not ready to brave the world of singles again, on a clay court, for a while after this I don't think.. But we'll see.. I'm sure I could get talked into playing tennis anywhere, at anytime.  Especially like the place Ben and I found to practice's only $5 for two hours of play time!  That's about as free as it's going to get, and I'm more than happy with that!

Anyway, ta ta for now.  I've got about another hour of reading ahead of me, then off to bed for another early, long day! Chau chau!

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