Saturday, February 19, 2011

Twenty-four hours from now I'll be sitting in JFK...

So here I am, blogging...which is weird for me since I've never kept a serious journal for any part of my life.  More than anything it feels like I'm talking to myself, or setting up some pseudo online-dating profile. "I enjoy long walks on the beach, listening to music, staring at the stars..."

As if.

But seriously, as absolutely frigid and windy as it is in the 203 right now, I'm starting to think I'm actually going to miss it.  I tried printing pictures to bring with me, because it tells you in all of those pre-departure guide books to bring trinkets from home and pictures of the people you care about.  So three hours of fighting with my printer later, I ordered my prints online and I'm picking them up at Walgreen's tomorrow sometime after 8:52 but before noon. Technology 1, Lindsey 0.

Speaking of technology, I'm pretty sure my 7th Blackberry in 3 years just bit the dust.  Talk about perfect timing.  So I guess that's technology 2, Lindsey 0.  I can't believe I'm going to be without my Berry for a good 48-72 hours.  Sometimes I think a technological hiatus would do me some good; cancel out the cancer waves to my brain and lay off the carpel tunnel for a while.  But being on a new continent in a new hemisphere with so few people there that I know that I can literally count them on one hand isn't exactly settling.  I mean, I'm stoked, don't get me wrong.  But it'd be nice to get off the plane and have a little reminder of home.

Oh well. By dinnertime tomorrow I'll be saying sayonara to my little Verizon bff until July.

Speaking of sayonara, I've come to thinking that there are very few things I'm actually going to miss about home.  In no particular order they are:

-The fam
-Ice rinks & the sports that go on inside them
-The movies debuting on March 4th

Oh and shamrock shakes, but only because I had one today, and I'm figuring there's a good chance that there won't be any south of the border since I'm pretty sure there aren't a large percentage of Irish people in Argentina. But then again, who knows.

And that's really it.  Otherwise I'm pretty much game for my bottled water to start coming in bags, not having to listen to the same twelve songs on repeat on the radio all day long (which reminds me I have to call tomorrow to suspend my XM), 2-year overpriced cell phone contracts, obesity, paying $300 for one textbook, and reality television.

Thank you in advance to anyone who's reading this to keep up with my life in sudamérica.  I apologize in advance for two things: my sarcastic humor mostly because I think I'm hilarious, and anyone who knows my dad can vouch for the fact that that's a genetic trait, and the fact that more and more Spanish will be creeping it's way on here.  I'm not at all an advocate for online translators, but for my strictly English-speaking familia, here's a link that you'll probably, most definitely find helpful:
It's better than nothing.  And if you're feeling ambitious or decide that it's so warm and sunny in Argentina that you just have to hop on a plane for a visit, this one might just be a touch more appropo:

Well, I guess that's it for now.  Time to say goodbye and goodnight to America, and all things red, white, and blue and hello to sweet dreams about my future Porteños (that's what people from Buenos Aires are called; people from a port city, which is what Buenos Aires is) and all of my exciting South American adventures!!  Hopefully I won't be having any more nightmares about having to sit in between two huge, smelly people for my 11 hour plane ride and I found out today that a first-class upgrade is not an option, irregardless of which pilots you know who fly for the airline, unless you're willing to pay a mere additional $5,000 plus a $250 seat change fee...but I'm thinking since that's already happened, there won't be any twilight repeats...too bad there's no guarantee my subconscious won't be turned into reality.  But worst case scenario, it'll make for a funny arrival blog post!

Here's my address, for GoogleMapping and letter writing purposes:
Moldes 1552 5º B, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Now it's really time for bed.  I have to rest up before my big day tomorrow.  I need my strength to lift my two well-over-the-fifty-pound-weight-limit bags (thanks in advance, Mom and Dad, for paying what I'm sure will be a hefty-no pun intended-oversize baggage fee!  You're the best!) , survive the longest plane flight I've ever taken to-date, and be hyped up and ready to get myself to orientation as soon as I step off the plane in BA!

So keep in touch, I'll still have email and facenovel and this blog and I'll get my new Argentine BBM pin out to everyone who needs it as soon as I'm connected!

¡Hasta luego, América! It's been real <3

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